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Vernon Snow - 2 Semis Stuck on Hwy 97 Next to Vernon Jubilee Hospital Tie Up Traffic

Updated: Oct 23

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022: 2 pm
Vernon Snow - 2 Semis stuck on Hwy 97 next to Vernon Jubilee Hospital

Semis traveling South on Hwy 97 through Vernon BC were forced to stop and wait for two semis that weren't able to climb the snow-covered roadway.

The trucks, one in the fast lane, the other in the slow, were stuck where the Hwy passes the Vernon Jubilee Hospital.

Most cars were able to maneuver around the Semis.

Dozens of large trucks could do little more than sit motionless in the core of Vernon until the stuck trucks were removed.

On their two-way radios, truckers recalled the days when a stuck trucks driver would just put on some chains and be on their way


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