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"The Raptors" Returns To Allan Brooks Nature Centre

Get up close with a Turkey Vulture, Spectacled Owl, American Kestrel, Harris Hawk, and Western Screech Owl.

For the price of admission, you can get an up-close view of some of the most amazing creatures Mother Nature has created. Raptors.

5 raptors are on tour.

The educational presentation at the Allan Brooks Nature Centre in Vernon runs from July 4th to July 9th, 2023.

"The Raptors" presentation is at the Allan Brooks Nature Centre all week. The goal of the Duncan BC-based organization is to "inspire a sense of personal responsibility for the future of both birds of prey, and our planet" by raising awareness about the challenges faced by raptor species today.

The Raptors is affiliated with the Raptor Rescue Society.

Tag: "The Raptors" Return To Allan Brooks Nature Centre



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