Huntingdon Village, on the border with Washington State, has been hit with flooding again as shown in a video posted on Youtube by "The 4K Guy".
Floodwater hasn't yet reached the levels seen last week
Custom agents from the Sumas border crossing can be seen redirecting traffic.
Pallets of sandbags are on hand but according to Abbotsford Mayor Braun sandbags are not going to stop the water if t starts to flow into the area from south of the border.
City crews are busy clearing storm drains. Debris litters yards and the rail line that runs along the border.
Traffic is moving on Sumas road despite its ditches being full to the brim.
Parking lots of several businesses are flooded.
Another video posted by the 4K Guy shows Highway 1 being closed Sunday night (November 28th ) as a precaution. The fear is water will pool causing hazardous driving conditions between Abbotsford and Chilliwack.