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Robins in the North Okanagan

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Updated: Jun 4, 2023

The Robin faces potential threats like habitat loss, pesticide use, or from competition with introduced species such as European Starlings or House Sparrows

The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) is known for its distinctive appearance, with a reddish-orange breast and dark gray back.

It is a migratory bird that typically arrives in the North Okanagan region during the spring and summer months.

During these seasons, you may hear their melodious song and observe them foraging for insects and worms in open grassy areas, gardens, and forests.

The American Robin, generally widespread and adaptable, is not considered an at-risk species. However, it's essential to consider local factors and potential threats within specific regions, such as the Okanagan Valley. Certain activities and introduced species can impact local populations.

Some factors that may pose challenges to the American Robin in the Okanagan are:

- Habitat Loss

- Competition with Introduced Species such as European Starlings or House Sparrows

- Pesticide Use

A pair of American Robins typically raises multiple broods, or sets of young, during a breeding season. In most regions, they can have two to three broods per season, although this can vary depending on factors such as climate and food availability.

After the female robin lays her eggs, she incubates them for about 12 to 14 days. Once the eggs hatch, both parents are involved in feeding and caring for the chicks. The young robins grow rapidly and leave the nest around 14 to 16 days after hatching.

At this point, the chicks are still dependent on their parents for food and protection. Once the first brood has fledged, the parents may start building a new nest and lay another set of eggs.

This process can be repeated for multiple broods during the breeding season, typically from spring through early summer.

The American Robin is a migratory bird with a wide range that spans North America from as far north as Alaska, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories and as far south as central Mexico.

American Robins are also in Hawaii.

As Robins migrate to more southerly regions during the winter months they form migratory flocks that move in a southward direction. The exact migration patterns can vary depending on food availability and weather conditions.

The American Robin is common in the North Okanagan region of British Columbia. The species is common in many parts of North America.

While many American Robins migrate, some populations, particularly those in milder coastal regions or areas with abundant food sources, may remain year-round residents.

These non-migratory populations can be found in parts of the southern United States, coastal regions of British Columbia, and other areas where winter conditions are relatively mild.

The American Robin acquired its popular name through a combination of historical and cultural factors.

The name "robin" was originally used in Europe to refer to a different bird, the European Robin (Erithacus rubecula), which has a reddish-orange breast similar to the American Robin.

When European settlers arrived in North America, they encountered the American Robin, which bore some resemblance to the European species.

Due to this resemblance, settlers began referring to the North American bird as the "robin" as well.

American Robins do not typically mate for life. While they do form monogamous pairs during the breeding season, their pair bonds generally last only for the duration of that breeding season.

Once the nesting season is over, the pair may separate, and the following year, they may find new mates.

During the breeding season, a male robin establishes a territory and attracts a female through courtship displays and singing. If the female accepts the male's advances, they form a pair bond and work together to build a nest, incubate the eggs, and care for their young.

While American Robins do not typically return to the same nest from year to year, they may return to the same general nesting area or territory.

The nest that a pair of robins builds is often used exclusively for a single breeding season, and they construct a new nest each year.

Both the male and female robins play a role in nest building.

Male robins are known to establish and defend territories, often returning to the same general area where they successfully bred before.

Male Robins may exhibit fidelity to a particular territory, even defending it against intruding males.

Female robins, on the other hand, select the specific nesting site within the territory. They choose a suitable location, build the nest, and incubate the eggs.

Both males and females contribute to feeding and caring for the young.

While it is not common for robins to reuse the same nest from year to year, there have been occasional reports of robins refurbishing or reusing old nests, particularly if the structure is still intact and suitable for use. However, this behavior is not widespread, and most robins construct a new nest each breeding season.

On average, American Robins live for about 2 to 6 years. The maximum recorded lifespan for an American Robin in the wild is around 13 years.

Tags: Robins in the North Okanagan


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Jun 03, 2023

Very interesting. Never would have thought they raised more than one brood per year. Nice photography, he had his eyes on you.


Jun 02, 2023

I so LOVE your video showing a slowed down version of what the Robin is actually doing. Every movement appears be very calculated, thoughtful and fascinating to watch.


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