They're all winners of course!

The first baby born in BC in 2022 wasted no time, arriving at 12:04 am at Victoria General Hospital, weighing 6 pounds and 6 ounces. Congratulations to Shawna White and Ishmael Grimwood!

Ottawa's first baby of 2022 named Benjamin came into the world at 12:17 am to Chantal Casault and her partner Christopher Baskys.

Saskatoon saw Saskatchewan's first baby of 2022. Hudson Raphael Lynn was also born at 12:17 am to proud parents Krystal and Chris Lynn. Hudson weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces.

Winnipeg's New Year’s baby arrived at 12:19 am. Olivia Claire Arevalo started her journey at Winnipeg Women’s Hospital. Olivia is 6 pounds 3 ounces at birth

The British Columbia Interior's first baby was born at Kelowna General Hospital overnight.
Grey Ron Allison was born at 2:11 a.m. and weighed six pounds, 13 ounces.